6th International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostic Technologies


ENEA – Centro Ricerche Frascati


Starts 19 Oct
Ends 21


ICPC Organizing Secretariat secretariat@icpc.it
6th International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostic Technologies (ICFDT6)

The Conference ICFDT6 is co-organized by the Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile  (ENEA), the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and the International Center Piero Caldirola (ICPC), with financial support from the European Space Agency (ESA), the Milano-Bicocca University and CAEN (Electronics for Research Company).

The event is organized in 7 sessions (2 hours), a poster session and a satellite meeting dedicated to diagnostics for high energy physics experiments.

Special sessions are dedicated to diagnostics of:
1) the tokamak DTT (Divertor Test Tokamak) in construction at ENEA Frascati;
2) cold and industrial plasmas;
3) medical systems;
4)  tokamak JT60SA which is coming into operation this year.

The ICFDT6 Conference is organized in a hybrid format: the possibility of participation both in person and remotely is foreseen. 

Social Events
Wednesday, October 19   14.30   Group Photo
Thursday,     October 20  20.00   Social Dinner at the Cacciani Restaurant                                                       

  • Measurement of temperature and density
  • Energy spectrum of particles
  • Spectroscopy in various ranges of wavelengths
  • Imaging in various ranges of wavelengths
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
CAEN Prize for Experimental Physics

During the ICDT6 the CAEN Prize for Experimental Physics will be awarded for scientific merits on the activity of experimental physics.

The award is reserved for the three best PhD theses in Experimental Physics discussed after May 31, 2018 The award is exempt from the obligation to use CAEN forms. Candidates can use any type of electronic equipment.

The important thing is that the works are carried out in line with the denomination assigned to the prize and in which the instrumentation relating to experimental physics is used.

CAEN Prize winners:

1st Prize: Dr. Song FENG
University University of Milano-Bicocca; Dept. Of Physics
Thesis Title: Fast neutron-based instruments for application to fusion and spallation sources
A.A. Thesis A.A.2017-2018

2nd Prize: Dr. Riccardo Rossi
University University of Rome Tor Vergata
Thesis Title: Disruptions in tokamaks: From prediction and prevention to the assessment of loss of vacuum accident consequences
A.A. Thesis A.A. 2018-2019

3rd Prize: Dr. Stefan Schmuck
University KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Thesis Title: Bayesian Inference for Microwave Diagnostics at Joint European Torus
A.A. Thesis A.A. 2021-2022



D Batani (Univ of Bordeaux, France)
D Brower (UCLA, USA)
D Giulietti (Univ Pisa, Italy)
B Goncalves (IST, Portugal)
P Mathieu (ESA, Italy)
D Mazon (CEA, France)
A Murari (RFX, Italy)
M Walsh (ITER IO, France)


M Ciotti (ENEA, Italy)
V Chiarella (INFN, Italy)
F P Orsitto (ENEA, Italy)


V Chiarella (INFN, Italy)
M Ciotti (ENEA, Italy)
F Consoli (ENEA, Italy)
R Fantoni (ENEA, Italy)
G Finocchiaro (INFN, Italy)
P Gaudio  (Univ of  Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)
M Gelfusa (Univ of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)
G Gorini (Univ of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
C Marcelli (INFN, Italy)
P Mathieu (ESA, Italy)
C Mazzotta (ENEA, Italy)
G Pucella (ENEA, Italy)
S Ricci (ESA, Italy)
L Sabbatini (INFN, Italy)
R Schneider Dos Santos (ESA, Italy)
L Senni (ENEA, Italy)
M Tardocchi (ISTP, Italy)
C Vaccarezza (INFN, Italy)
M Zerbini (ENEA, Italy)

Registration Fee

The participation fee for the conference is as follows:

Early registration and payment, by September 10 € 250,00
Late registration and payment, after September 10 € 300,00
Reduced fee for participants from ENEA and INFN-LNF  € 150.00
Students registration € 100,00
Online participation € 125,00

On-site participation fee covers admission to the Conference and social events.
Remote participation fee includes access to all virtual scientific session during the 2 and a half-day Conference.


Please, return the registration form to the organizing secretariat at the e-mail address: secretariat@icpc.it  

You will receive confirmation that your registration has been accepted by the organizing secretariat. After receiving the confirmation, you will be able to send the participation fee.

Download: Application form ICFDT6 doc


One page abstract, related to proposals for tutorial, oral , short oral in replacement of poster presentation must be sent to:

Francesco.orsitto@enea.it Vitaliano.chiarella@lnf.infn.it Marco.ciotti@enea.it

Download: Template Abstract ICFDT6

Important notice:
The Scientific Committee finally considered organizing:
– for the participants in person: the poster session in the traditional way, that is with a paper poster (instead of the short talk) due to the confirmed possibility of using the spaces for poster sessions (which was not possible with the previous limitations related to the covid pandemic) and the numerous requests we have received;
– for the participants in remote: short talks (8+2 min) will be organized in place of posters.
The dimensions required for the poster are: format A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm2)


The ICFDT6 Proceedings will be published in Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed and online-only journal created by the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) and IOP Publishing.

Contributors are invited to prepare their manuscript following the rules reported at the following link:

Please remember that depending on the contribution a maximum number of pages is allowed:
– tutorial: 10 pages
– oral: 6 pages
– poster: 4 pages
Opening date for the submission: 19 October 2022
Deadline for submission extended to: 31 January 2023

When your contribution is ready for submission, please follow the instructions below:
connect to http://jinst.sissa.it and register; in the “Submit” section of the page select the link “submit a proceedings contribution”; select the ICFDT6 conference from the list; follow the step-by-step procedure for submission given in the author’s page.

Additional information for authors:

download: Instructions for the authors
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

Important Dates
Deadline Presentation abstracts for oralsJuly 31, 2022
Deadline Presentation abstracts for short orals in replacement of posterSeptember 1, 2022
Notification acceptance abstracts for orals and short orals in replacement of posterSeptember 5, 2022
Early registration and paymentSeptember 10, 2022
Late registration and paymentAfter September 10, 2022
Post-deadline abstracts (orals and short orals) presentation deadlineSeptember 20, 2022
Notification acceptance abstracts for post-deadline papersOctober 10, 2022
Online registration closesOctober 19, 2022
Deadline manuscript submission for ProceedingsJanuary 31, 2023

Scientific Information:
F.P. Orsitto francesco.orsitto@enea.it
ENEA website

General Information:
D. Pifferetti secretariat@icpc.it

With the Contribution of